Monday, August 17, 2015

Incoming mail!

Hello from beautiful and sunny Ireland! It's been a while since my last blogpost and I can only blame life for causing the delay. I am in the process of looking for a job since I am a graduate now! You know, somebody has to earn money for stamps and stuff! 

I took a trip to the local post office today so I could send a couple of letters to my dear friends. I love the feeling of excitement when I'm standing in the queue in the post office, and thinking of being able to drop my letters at the counter in just a few seconds. That is where their own journey begins. They will travel to different places across the world. I find that truly amazing. Hardly anyone can afford to travel the world but you can always post a letter that will do that for you. All it takes is a €1.05 stamp...

In the past couple of weeks I have received some lovely mail from my pen friends. In this post I am going to share some pictures of all the received letters and postcards. There are a good few of them!
Below you can see some pictures of a letter from Shay. This is Shay's second letter to me. This time she attached a beautiful postcard that is now being displayed on the mantelpiece in my dining room! The letter itself was so lovely and special. I found it inspirational and encouraging, and I have a feeling Shay and I will develop a beautiful long-lasting friendship. Thank you!

Next there is a letter from my Slovenian pen pal Anka. She decorated the envelope very nicely, and she also attached a postcard like Shay did. Thank you for such a nice letter Anka! Here are some pictures of what she sent me:

Moving onto the next letter, here's some more lovely post from Enric. Enric lives in Barcelona and I am very happy to be able to correspond with someone from such a beautiful city. This is the second letter from Enric in quite a short period of time, and I have a feeling our friendship will bloom as we keep sending each other mail. Thank you Enric! My letter is already on its way to you!

Here's another letter from Slovenia that my beloved friend Damijan sent me! We've been sending each other letters for over a year now. Maybe it's even been two years? I can't tell! Anyway, thank you kindly Damijan! I love all your letters and the fact that they're all so long... Oh, by the way, look at those lovely stamps! I have already replied to Damijan's letter and he got my letter last week. I can't wait to receive more mail from him!

I was so happy when I saw this letter at my doorstep! Matthieu lives in France and he's one of my long-term pen pals and friends. His letters are always so interesting, inspiring and thoughtful. We are planning to meet up next year! So here are the postcard and letter that Matthieu sent me:

Last but not least, this letter was sent to me by my German friend Sabrina. It arrived rather unexpectedly, although I loved reading it because it consisted of our meeting plans described by Sabrina! She and I are meeting this weekend and I'm really happy and excited because it'll be the first time that I will meet a pen pal of mine. Yay <3 Thank you Sabrina! I'm looking forward to meeting you at the end of this week! It's going to be so much fun 

As you can probably guess, that would be it for today's blogpost. I hope you enjoyed it! The reason why I don't post outgoing mail is because I want to keep my letters a surprise for their recipients. I might change my mind in the future, though.

Have a lovely day,


  1. You always get so lovely mail <3 And wow! You seem to have quite a few male pen pals. Where did you get them? I only found one so far from America (and he seems to be a really lovely guy!) but I'd love to have some more...

    And: I can't wait for saturday ♥ Hopefully my other letter will reach you in the next days :)

  2. You have an amazing blog, I wish you the best to keep it this way. I'll be waiting for new posts! :)
